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The test.unity scene in VZ/Scenes is as basic as it getscan be the starting point for any game.

It contains:

  1. A plane with a simple texture and mesh collider

  2. The VZPlayer.prefab (just the VZPlayer component, and rigidbodya rigidbody, an interactive model of our bike, and a sphere for an avatarHUD with input state)

  3. The directional light and camera that Unity makes in any new scene


  1. Open test.unity and hit Play

  2. Get on the bike, put on your VR headset, and hold the L and R triggers to calibrate

  3. Pedal to move forward, lean to turn

Obviously you can do a lot more--all of our games are based on the same VZPlayer. Don't just limit yourself to tweaking its parameters, you To make this into your game, replace the model of our bike with your own avatar, our HUD with your game HUD, and our plane with your terrain!

Tweak the parameters of VZPlayer to make your avatar move the way you want. You can subclass VZPlayer to override and extend its functions, like to add lift force as a function of Controller.InputSpeed, which is how our Pegasus flies.
