VZPlayer is our high-level player controller, that translates VZController into comfortable VR motion with our custom physics.

Here's a quick rundown on VZPlayer motion parameters:

Adding VZPlayer to a game object will cause your pedaling and leaning to move that game object. Your game object will also need a physics Collider and Rigidbody components to behave correctly. VZPlayer will also make the Camera a child of the game object to be moved around with it.

If your collider objects do not encompass the origin of your VZPlayer, you will need to change their layer to "Ignore Raycast". Otherwise, you may experience unintentional "jumping" behavior as VZPlayer raycasts downward to determine its height above the ground in order to soften landings, and may hit its own colliders instead.

Script code can access your VZPlayer anywhere like VZPlayer.Instance.