

VirZOOM Arcade games has four different ways to compete online: head-to-head, leaderboards, challenges, and Hotseat.

Head-to-head multiplayer, with live competition between opponents, is supported in our Racecar, Tank, Pegasus, Cycle, and Kayak games. Players join online matches in progress automatically when they launch the game, or start a new match if other games are full. (The number of players that fits in a given multiplayer "room" vary between platforms.) Some games see players come and go at different times. You can also see the "ghosts," or instant replays, of other players' games while playing a head-to-head game.

Weekly Leaderboards rank your profile's score in each game against everyone else who has played that week. Get to the Leaderboard menu from each Level screen or game Results screen, or on my.virzoom.com.

Friend Challenges are custom leaderboards for a time period and game you pick. Use them to organize head-to-head matches or asynchronous competition. See your friend's ghosts alongside as you try to beat their scores.

Hotseat is turn-based multiplayer for friends in your home or workplace. Pick a game to play with everyone in the room, see their previous ghosts and scores on the Results screen. Every game is shorter and faster in Hotseat mode to keep up the action and fun!

Setting up a private multiplayer lobby (PC only)

If you are interested in playing multiplayer VirZOOM Arcade with a specific group of people, or if you are running something like LAN event, here are some basic instructions for specifying a private multiplayer lobby with the PC version of VirZOOM Arcade.

  1. Browse to where Steam installed VirZOOM Arcade, most likely at C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\VirZOOM\ unless you changed the install location.
  2. Right-click virzoom.exe and choose ‘Send to’ -> ‘Desktop (create shortcut)’
  3. Find the shortcut on the desktop and right-click and choose ‘Properties’
  4. In the ‘Shortcut’ tab, find ‘Target’ and put “ -photonversion mylobby” at the end of the line, where “mylobby” is a unique name for your lobby
    1. The result should look something like "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\VirZOOM\virzoom.exe -photonversion mylobby”
  5. Select ‘Apply’ and then ‘OK’
  6. Do this for each PC that you want in the same lobby and make sure the “mylobby” name that you chose is identical for each
  7. Use this shortcut to launch the game from each of those PCs

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