VZPlugin Interface

VZPlugin Interface

If you just want to access bike sensor data without VZPlayer motion controls or VZController device abstraction, you can call functions directly on the VZPlugin.cs.

First call VZPlugin.Init() to initialize the plugin.

Then call VZPlugin.ConnectBike(ref BikeState) to try connecting to a VirZOOM bike. BikeState.Type will indicate if there is no bike (< 0) or VZ bike (= 1) or VZ sensor (= 2)

If BikeState.Type > 0, then a VirZOOM wireless dongle has been detected, but BikeState.Connected will only be true when a VirZOOM bike has been turned on and connects to the dongle.

After BikeState.Connected is true you can query other bike state:

  • HeartRate - heart rate from person holding both grips
  • BatteryVolts - voltage of bike batteries (replace < 2.1 v)
  • Speed - speed from pedaling bike (negative if backward)
  • FilteredResistance - number corresponding to bike tension setting (needs calibration by application)
  • LeftTrigger/RightTrigger - trigger buttons down
  • DpadUp/DpadDown/DpadLeft/DpadRight - dpad (left grip) buttons down
  • RightUp/RightDown/RightLeft/RightRight - right grip buttons down

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