Buttons on handles do nothing

Buttons on handles do nothing


Pressing the white buttons on VZ Bike's handles doesn't seem to have any effect.


Depending on how you use VirZOOM, this might be entirely expected.

On PC and mobile, the X and Y buttons are used to call up menus of in-game messages you can broadcast to other players in multiplayer VirZOOM Arcade games. Outside of those games, however, those buttons don't do anything.

With the VirZOOM Gamepad Emulator, you can also use those buttons as part of configuring your VZ Bike to act as a video game controller for PC games. The gamepad emulator is only compatible with PC games, not with PlayStation or other platforms.

On PlayStation 4, per Sony guidelines, those buttons have no function. Instead, use the square and triangle buttons on your DualShock controller to send in-game messages.

If, according to the information above, it seems like your buttons should be working but aren't, please email support@virzoom.com, mention that you read this page, and make note of what kind of VR system you are using. We will investigate the issue via email and determine whether there's a hardware defect.