Menus spin
Menus spin
When you first start VirZOOM Arcade, this tells the game where your VR headset is in relation to its Vive lighthouse, PS VR sensor, or Oculus sensor. If you move from where you started during play (such as by rotating your bike a bit, moving your bike elsewhere in the room, or letting a shorter or taller player take over for you), the VR system may track your position incorrectly. This might manifest as...
- Menus spinning even though you're sitting still
- Your avatar moving in an unexpected direction
- Everything looking off-center (like driving in a car with busted alignment)
To address these issues, you can recalibrate your bike anytime by hitting the left trigger 4 times in rapid succession. Alternatively, you can quit the game and relaunch it to calibrate again. Either should resolve the issue.
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