Headset not tracked or detected

Headset not tracked or detected


VirZOOM or other programs indicate an error with tracking or detecting your headset.

General Solutions

Any of a number of different issues can cause issues with a PC or console's ability to detect a headset. Consider the following first:

Clear line of sight: Make sure there's nothing between your headset and your Oculus Sensor, PS VR sensor, or Vive lighthouse. Sometimes just sitting someplace you don't normally use your VR headset (like on top of an exercise bike) can cut off line of sight.

Avoid bright light: You may also experience this issue in a room with very bright sunlight shining directly on your headset, such as when playing under a skylight on a sunny day. In this case, you may want to try moving your VirZOOM bike or covering windows to shade from some of the light.

Oculus Rift Specific Solutions

If you are using an Oculus Rift and the above solutions don't solve the issue, there are a few other things you can check out.

  1. Launch VirZOOM Arcade in Steam.
  2. When prompted to pick "Steam VR mode" or "Oculus VR mode," make sure you pick Oculus.
  3. Put on your Oculus Rift headset.
  4. Do you see an empty, gray space? If so...
    1. Look around in every direction.
    2. Find a box of text that says you need to stare at it for a couple seconds, and stare at it as instructed. You should be all set. Or...
  5. Do you see the Oculus "room" setting? If so...
    1. Quit VirZOOM Arcade.
    2. Open the Oculus Home application. 
    3. Go to SETTINGS
    4. Go to GENERAL 
    5. Make sure that "Unknown Sources" has a check next to it 
    6. Try to launch VirZOOM Arcade again. You should be all set!

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