Error message on launch

Error message on launch


You try to launch VirZOOM Arcade, but only get a white screen with an error message that prevents you from progressing.

Solution 1

Are you using Steam Link with your TV? If so, quit and launch VirZOOM Arcade before you launch Steam Link with a controller. This should allow VirZOOM Arcade to launch without issue.

Solution 2

If you're not using Steam Link, you may need to contact us directly to report the error. Please do the following:

  1. Take a screenshot, photo, or video of your screen so we can see what you see. Take note of what it looks like inside your headset, too. 
  2. Find your output log if you're on PC. It's in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\VirZOOM\virzoom_Data
  3. Email support@virzoom.com with those files as attachments and a detailed description of the steps leading up to the error. (Attachments need to be under 25 MB.)

We'll use this to diagnose the issue and fix it as soon as possible.

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